It all begins with you

the Internal rush of freedom
i wonder if its possible to be in such a deep place of self denial that you run away from everything that calls you
I think we often limit ourselves.
We say and believe that what we want is out of reach or not possible to feel or to achieve.
We loose sight of who we are and begin to walk down paths that seem convenient or seem to be the most conventional out of ease.
The time we spend on these paths is never time wasted, in fact this time holds more value than one could ever understand.
time spent feeling like what are doing is “right” or is “ what you should be doing” is the key to unlock your freedom to live.
That moment you realize the truth of yourself has been buried beneath the ideologies of people around you or from the “you” you’ve told yourself that you are, leads you to your truth. It leads you to a place of peace where you begin to experience your own magic.
we must be reminded that this life is meant for you
You are meant to live a life full of joy and happiness for you
You are worthy of your time
cultivating self
embody the energy you seek. It is impossible to create any new future when you are rooted so deeply in your past. to cultivate requires you to make conscious decisions. to look around you and decide what is needed vs what would be best removed. creating a new mind is like cultivating a garden. The thoughts you produce create your outer experiences, like the crops that grow from earths soil. Some are ready be planted, and some are ready to bloom while others are needing to be removed. all the changes begin with you. Tend well
— Tilly Mills
Self discovery
PT 1
In order to truly find yourself, you must first be willing to loose the version of yourself you once knew.
sometimes this feeling of being lost just shows up, completely unannounced. Like a wave of chaos that has no direction. Feeling overwhelmed, confused, anxious and tired you are given a choice and a gift, two words that in this moment mean the same. To be given the choice is a gift in itself. This is an opportunity for self discovery.
In these moments of feeling like the person you once knew yourself to be is nowhere to be found you are given all the power.The power you’ve always held but had yet to discover.
The power to peel back the layers and create the person you want to become, the person you have always been underneath your mask.
when these feelings arise, and you feel lost, take these moments as a redirection. they are not a punishment, but a gift to dive deeper into discovering your truest form of self.

your biggest COMMITMENT must always be to yourself
a note i wrote myself in october 2021
"The one that already exists but has not yet been born. The one with the profound dreams and aspirations. The one that has no limits. The one that believes so much in herself that doubts become her drive to greatness.The one who lives freely and is unapologetically herself. She who is your inspiration will be found all in the process of becoming."
the power and magic of sound